A series of Days of Reflection viewing videos by Pope Francis and/or about documents he has written during his Papacy since March 2013. We will view the videos of some of the more important writings of his, followed by a Conversation in the Spirit. Though it is highly recommended, one does not have to attend every session to benefit from the program.
Session #8: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Theme: 2020: “Fratelli Tutti” – Brothers and Sisters All (4:54 min) Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, came out October 4, 2020 – Feast of St. Francis Assisi. It’s a diagnosis of our social ills, which have been complicated by the covid-19 pandemic. Francis has said for months that we can’t go back to the way the world was before the pandemic: This is our chance to build a new society based on loving our neighbor. In Fratelli Tutti, he lays out that vision.
Registration: Our day will begin with gathering at 8:30am and end at 3:00pm; it will include Mass and lunch. Because of a generous donor, the cost will be only $15 rather than the usual $35.
You may register using the form below or call the retreat house at 504-267-9604. Please register with your payment early to help our retreat staff make appropriate plans for lunch.