A series of Days of Reflection viewing videos by Pope Francis and/or about documents he has written during his Papacy since March 2013. We will view the videos of some of the more important writings of his, followed by a Conversation in the Spirit. Though it is highly recommended, one does not have to attend every session to benefit from the program.
Session #3: Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Theme: 2015: “Laudato Si: A Canadian Response” (35:56 min) . This video presents the views of nine prominent Canadians among whom are David Suzuki, Maude Barlow, Silver Don Cameron and Gregor Robertson as they reflect on the Encyclical. 23 excerpts from Laudato Si' help the viewer read the actual words of the 192 page document.
Registration: Our day will begin with gathering at 8:30am and end at 3:00pm; it will include Mass and lunch. Because of a generous donor, the cost will be only $15 rather than the usual $35.
You may register using the form below or call the retreat house at 504-267-9604. Please register with your payment early to help our retreat staff make appropriate plans for lunch.